Call log 101

Vobbiz Support
  • Updated

Who can use the call log?

  • Included for organisations with the Unlimited-package
  • Included for organisations with the Light-package when the add on Analytics is purchased


What is a call log?

Our call log is a powerful tool where you can find all the information needed about the call within your organisation. You can search for calls on a user or an answer group. To learn more about a specific part click the links below. 

Access to the Call Log

  • The call log is active for all users within the organisation. A user can access their own call log and not others. 

  • An agent in an answer group can see all call logs that belong to the answer group. A supervisor has access to all call logs in the answer groups they handle.

  • You can only access Statistics Overview for the answer groups that you are part of. A supervisor has access to a Statistics Overview in the answer groups they handle.

Serach access to the call log

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