Look & feel

Vobbiz Support
  • Updated

Access look & feel

To access look & feel, click SETTINGS GEAR.svgand expand the list EYE.svg look & feel.


In these settings you can customize things like applications language, interface scaling and much more.

Visual style

  • Choose which theme you would like in the app, choose between

    1. Auto (According to your OS settings)
    2. Light
    3. Dark (dark mode)
  • Drag to scale

  • Drag to scale

Language, date & time

  • You can choose to change the applications language. Setting will apply for mobile, desktop and webapp. Click on the preffered language and reload the app.

  • Choose between manually or automatcially set date and time.

  • Choose if you want to display own country code on numbers within the app. E.g. off will display a Swedish number without +46 and on will display +46.

Experimental features 

Sometime we drop some new awesome stuff and hide it under experimental. To activate a feature toggle on ON.svg

These features are not officially released and can not be purchased yet. Some might be taken back in beta and some will be released to end users.

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