Phone system

Vobbiz Support
  • Updated

Who can access phone system?

  • Users with the permission phone system can view and edit the settings

Access phone system

  • To access phone system, click SETTINGS GEAR.svg expand the list PHONE 1.svg phone system

Answer Groups

If you have the Unlimited-package you can add as many answer groups as you like, if you have the Light-package, two are included and you can purchase more if needed. 

      1. Expand the list
      2. Choose the right amount of groups (one or more)
      3. Click buy
      4. Click yes

    The cost will be added to your monthly recurring cost.

    1. Click ADD SQUARE.svg
    2. Name the group, e.g. Customer Care
    3. Choose a number
    4. Choose a billing-ID (Usually the same number as above
    5. Choose display number for calls to agents
    6. Select agents to the group
    7. Select supervisors*
    8. Click create

    * Only users with a Pro licens may be added as an answer group supervisor.

You will find more information about the answer group settings here

To connect the Answer group to your Contact Center, read more here.


If you have the Unlimited-package you can add as many IVRs as you like, if you have the Light-package, two are included and you can purchase more if needed. 

    1. Expand the list
    2. Choose the right amount of IVRs (one or more)
    3. Click buy
    4. Click yes

    The cost will be added to your monthly recurring cost.

    1. Click ADD SQUARE.svg
    2. Name the IVR, e.g. Company X main IVR
    3. Choose the number you would like to conect to the IVR, i.e. the number callers will use to reach it
    4. Choose the billing ID (Usually same number as above)
    5. Set a voice message using TTS or soundfile, e.g. Welcome to Company X, press 1 for.. press 2 for..
    6. Set the call distribution numbers, e.i. where the caller should end up if pressing 1, 2, etc.
    7. Set the opening hours
    8. Set the advanced settings if needed
    9. Click create
    1. Expand the IVR EXPAND RIGHT GRADIENT.svg you want to edit
    2. Do your changes
    3. Click save

You will find more information about IVRs here

Call routing

These default settings will apply to new users and unchanged user settings. It will not apply to users who have changed their own settings.

  • Use this to set a default voicemail for all users. You can use text-to-speech (TTS) or a soundfile.

    1. Choose TTS or soundfile
    2. Click save
  • Enable voicemail transcription on all users within the organization on their private voicemails with this toggle.

    Note that this setting overwrites all users' current settings. Also possible to allow/disallow users to change the setting via their own personal settings.

    1. Choose if voicemail transcription should be active or not, toggle on/off
    2. If active, transcription will be activated on all users, even on users who didn't have it on before (and vice versa).
    3. Choose if users should be able to change this setting on their own via their personal settings, toggle on/off.
  • Choose what should happen to calls that are not answered, configure as needed. 

  • Here you can choose to activate call waiting as default or decide what should happen when busy. 

  • Configure your decline action settings here, choose between: go to voicemail, play voicemessage and hangup, busy tone and redirect to number. 

  • Configure what should happen when calling unassigned numbers, i.e. numbers you are not using at the moment but have within your organisation. 

  • Set what type of number should be set as a user's display number.

    Choose between mobile and landline. If you choose mobile number and none is available for the user, a fixed number is automatically chosen instead.

    If the user has both and has their own rules, they will overwrite this default setting.

  • Set up what should happen when a call lands in the Personal IVR.

    Once the default settings are complete, you can choose whether they should only apply to new users, replace settings for users who have not changed their Personal IVR, or replace the settings for all users.


This is your organisation's library for sound files. Accessible to users for voice messages etc.  

    1. Click ADD SQUARE.svg
    2. Give it a title
    3. Tag it with the language
    4. Choose record MIC.svgor select DOWNLOAD.svg file from your local files
    5. Click create
    1. Expand EXPAND RIGHT GRADIENT.svg the file you want to edit
    2. Do your changes
    3. Click save
    1. Expand EXPAND RIGHT GRADIENT.svg the file you want to delete
    2. Click delete
    3. Click delete again

    A sound file can only be deleted when it is not in use anywhere.

Display numbers

Display numbers enables users to dial out with non-personal numbers as display numbers, i.e. the number that will be seen on the receiving part of the call. 

    1. Click on ADD SQUARE.svg
    2. Select a number
    3. Choose if the number could be displayed via SMS (Permission needed to send system SMS)
    4. Select users that will be able to use this number as display number, you can choose individuals and or teams
    5. Click save
    1. Expand the number EXPAND RIGHT GRADIENT.svg
    2. Select users
    3. Click save
    If the display number is connected to an answer group you can:
    1. Give access to all agents or all supervisors (Toggle on ON.svg / off OFF.svg)
    2. Click save
  • When removing a display number you wont delete it. Just removing the permission to display it.
    1. Expand the number EXPAND RIGHT GRADIENT.svg
    2. At the bottom, click remove
    3. Click yes

    If a display number is connected to an answer group you cant remove it as a display number.

Call recording

Learn about call recording here.

Call log search

Learn about call log search here.

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