Create a contact

Vobbiz Support
  • Updated

Create a contact

You can create new contacts within the app, there is two ways of doing it. 

Create a contact via PLUS_SMALL.svg

  • From the menu bar:
    1. Click PLUS_SMALL.svg
    2. Click ADD_AVATAR_+.svg
    3. Select where to store it (You can choose your default storage in this step)
    4. Type name, company etc and add email address (optional) and phone number
    5. Click save
  • From the menu bar:
    1. TapPLUS_SMALL.svg
    2. TapADD_AVATAR_+.svg
    3. Select where to store it (You can choose your default storage in this step)
    4. Type name, company etc and add email address (optional) and phone number
    5. Tap save

Create a contact via your call log PHONE_1.svg

  • From the call log, on number you want to create a contact:
    1. Click VERTICAL_ELIPSIS.svg
    2. Click ADD_AVATAR_+.svg
    3. Select where to store it (You can choose your default storage in this step)
    4. Type name, company etc and add email address (optional)
    5. Click save
  • From the call log, on number you want to create a contact:
    2. TapADD_AVATAR_+.svg
    3. Select where to store it (You can choose your default storage in this step)
    4. Type name, company etc and add email address (optional)
    5. Tap save

Default contact account

Follow this guide. 

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