Contact Center settings for supervisors

Vobbiz Support
  • Updated

Settings in Contact Center for a Supervisor

As a supervisor, there are several settings you can configure.

Only Contact Center Agent users can be supervisors in the Contact Center.

  • In the Ticket View and the Overview tab, you can see all the channels you are monitoring as a supervisor. Here, you can keep track of the channel status and which agents are logged in.

  • You can easily log agents in or out of channels directly from the overview. This allows you to adjust staffing in real time.

  • To adjust the settings for a specific channel, click on the Eclipse menu (the three dots) under each channel. This allows you to customize the channel according to your needs as a supervisor.

  • You can manage answer groups linked to your Contact Center here. For more information on how to adjust the settings for answer groups, see our article:

    Answer Group Settings for a Supervisor.

  • Web chat settings are managed via a specific view. Here, you can adjust the settings for each chat channel linked to your Contact Center.

    Follow this link to create and manage web chats: Creating and Managing Web Chats

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